Monday, November 4, 2019

Parallel Universes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Parallel Universes - Essay Example ing with private life issues continue to pose a great challenge in the legal setting bearing in mind that there is no standard regulations to handle similar cases. The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment regulates interference with privacy by stipulating that no state has the capacity to deprive anyone life, liberty, or property without due execution of the law (Williams, 2010). In a school setting, the substantive due process offers the state some powers to regulate certain activities hence effective handling of teachers’ controversial lifestyles that might interfere with reputation or ability to perform. In cases of dismissal or charges against any teacher adequate explanation of the evidence must be provided though the due process does not prescribe reasons for dismissal apart from the procedures (Alexander & Alexander, 2011). The law provides directions to regulate behavior while at times it may not be very effective in explaining to what extent the standards of behavior should be. At times double standardization is evident though the law plays its part by dictating the necessary procedures. The school officials must be very vigilant when dealing with out-of-school’s conduct since not all jurisdictions have adopted the nexus theory. The nexus theory holds it that teacher’s off-duty conduct might negatively affect his/her teaching effectiveness hence the need to discipline behaviors (Elis, 2010). In regard to the precepts of the theory, more emphasis is attached to the impact of the teacher’s off-duty conduct hence disciplining in equal measure. The community standards also influence to a great extent issues involving teachers’ out-of-school conduct. Depending with the responsiveness and awareness of the community to initiate a course of action towards out of conduct issues, behaviors may be encouraged or discouraged. For instance, as illustrated in the table the response is not equal in weight in the rural setting as compared with the

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