Tuesday, December 31, 2019
A Company s Decision For Buy Navigation And Mapping Software
This scenario focuses on a company’s decision to buy navigation and mapping software. The manager of the company approaches their IT manager, Patrick, who is supposed to recommend the best software. Although, Patrick does not commit any illegal offences, he shows through a number of actions that he violates professional ethics. R Bradburn states that ‘business ethics†¦ is an oxymoron’ suggesting that the idea of business can never coincide with ethics because business in itself is too interested in expansion and selfish motives. All IT professionals should meet the criteria of the British Computer Society Code of Conduct. The BCS Code of Conduct states an employee should take into account ‘Public Interests,’ ‘Professional Competence and Integrity,’ ‘Duty to Relevant Authority’ and ‘Duty to the Profession.’ The BCS Code of Conduct seems to be based on Deontological Ethics as it states that it is an employee’s ‘duty’ to fulfil these guidelines. Firstly, an interest in the effect on the public is vital to the maintenance of ethics throughout a company. In a sense, a company cannot function properly without the support of the public. Whereas, ‘Professional Competence and Integrity’ indicates that an employee should try to gain as much knowledge as possible to influence growth and improvement. This also indicates that those seeking improvement within a company should encourage other employees to do the same. The BCS section, â €˜Duty to Relevant Authority’ states that an employeeShow MoreRelated7 Ps of Marketing Mix2400 Words  | 10 Pageshandle customers and how to deal with contingencies, is crucial for your success. * Processes are important to deliver a quality service. Services being intangible, processes become all the more crucial to ensure standards are met with. Process mapping ensures that your service is perceived as being dependable by your target segment. * Physical evidence affects the customer’s satisfaction. 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APPLEGATE HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL Do CAROLE CARLSON 8056 | Published: September 1, 2014 This document is authorized for educator review use only by Vikas Gupta, at Institute of Management Technology - Ghaziabad (IMT) until December 2014. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. Permissions@hbsp.harvard.edu or 617.783Read MoreMergers Acquisitions: The Case of Microsoft and Nokia Essay23810 Words  | 96 Pageshandset market has led companies to change their business strategies. Indeed, Mergers and Acquisition are considered one of the best strategies to increase shareholder value despite its hardship to be well-implemented. For this reason, a consolidation between Microsoft and Nokia may create new opportunities to challenge the market. Thereby, the focus of this dissertation will be the calculation of the additional value created by combining both firms bearing in mind the companies’ financial situationsRead MoreMis Ch93651 Words  | 15 Pages1. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
A Comparison of Tennessee Williams´ The Glass Menagerie...
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller are two of the twentieth century’s best-known plays. The differences and similarities between both of the plays are hidden in their historical and social contexts. The characters of The Glass Menagerie and the Death of a Salesman are trapped by the constraints of their everyday lives, unable to communicate with their loved ones and being fearful for their future. There are a lot of comparisons that exist, especially between the settings, symbolism and characterization drawn between the two plays. The contrast comes form the ways that the characters choose to deal or not with the harsh circumstances of life. The Glass†¦show more content†¦Both settings are up-to-date, reflecting the time period in which they were written. In each play, the setting for the characters’ homes symbolizes the imprisoned, powerless nature of its residents. Overwhelming features surrounds both homes: i n The Glass Menagerie, frightening tenements and dark alleys; in Death of a Salesman, tall apartment buildings that block out the light. In each case, the message seems to be that as difficult and restrictive as life may be inside the home, the outside is terrifying and overwhelming. For both Amanda Wingfield and Willy Loman, the configurations that outshine their homes are like the fears that outshine their own lives. Amanda is worried that her son Tom will leave home, or even worse. She is also afraid that if Tom leaves, she cannot rely on her daughter Laura to support the household. When Amanda founds that Laura has dropped out of Business College, she feels petrified for her future. Willy is afraid of being unable to support his family after losing his job. Between the two plays further symbolic parallels can be identified. The Wingfield home represents Tom’s bondage; he is obligated to work at a job that he hates so he can support the family. The Loman home represents W illy’s bondage; he is working to pay the mortgage and the refrigerator payment. Both Tom and Willy have big dreams that are blocked by such ordinary responsibilities. By reporting theShow MoreRelatedGlass Salesman: A Comparison of Themes In a Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller2550 Words  | 11 Pagesand is suddenly thrown back in time, living as if she were the young girl she once was at Blue Mountain. Death of the Salesman by Arthur Miller was published in 1949, only four years preceding Tennessee Williams play of The Glass Menagerie. Interestingly enough, both plays begin with a glimpse of tragedy and end with self inflicted remorse. Although Death of the Salesman and The Glass Menagerie appear coincidently similar at first glance. Upon a closer examination, it becomes evident that the similarities
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Sociology Couples and Equality Paper Free Essays
string(30) " for the household were made\." Sociology – Using material item B and elsewhere, assess the view that roles and relationships among couples are becoming more equal. To assess equality between couple’s roles within a family over time we must comprehend power distribution and human psychology that exists within a couple’s relationship. We must do this in order to understand why each role has been distributed between the two partners the male and the female. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology Couples and Equality Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now And henceforth between comparison of older studies and newer studies we can derive a pattern of progression or regression in the equality among couples. One of the roles that have been distributed between couples is household chores. Ann Oakley, a feminist (1975) came to the understanding that the housewife, a socialised role, was created by industrialisation. She discovered this when she researched middle and working class couples and their scale of equality; working class participants had less equality on average compared to middle class participants. This occurred as the higher the class the higher you are in the power hierarchy and those with power had the ability to make a better life for themselves and the people they cared about. The better the life the healthier the relationship, caused by positive and cooler mind sets, which then leads on to joint conjugal roles where neither partner wants to upset the happiness that exists between them. Also in the higher classes friendship circles are very close were all the husbands would socialise together and so would the wife’s leading to joint conjugal roles Bott (1957). The working class participants as mentioned before had little equality even though the men could make the difference by refreshing otherwise standard attitudes of ignorance and influence of â€Å"the housewife†. The housewife being the idea that childcare and housework are defined as female roles (Item B). The power hierarchy triangle , using my chained analysis, can be used as a life standard scale then also a healthy relationship scale then furthermore an equality scale were on average there is small equality. To criticise Ann Oakley she did not assess the difficulty of paid work for men in those times as men did have to endure a large amount of responsibility when undergoing mental and physical tasks, when using emotional influence to excel their career and to say the least making sure his family didn’t end up on the streets (welfare and benefits were minuscule). This research if done could tip the scales of equality in this era. Also in those times women didn’t expect to be treated equally the idea of the housewife was passed down from mother to daughter in order for their daughter and her children after to be able to excel in the class system. So can we really criticise the inequality that men created if the teaching of being the housewife were being passed down by women. Newer studies of the household chore from the British social attitudes survey (1997) showed an increase in the equality between husband and wife where men would contribute to domestic work; march of progress. But all the same the men are still the minority when it comes to the most responsible figure in the household. Which suggests the ideology of the housewife is still present and so the symmetrical family is still an idea society is fighting for; old habits die hard. In comparison of both research studies I see that the idea of the housewife is still present hindering the chances of equality/the symmetrical family. But equality between couples has developed/progressed as we see men are taking part in more domestic work/household chores. The second type of role that takes part within the family is childcare. Boulton (1983) wrote a book â€Å"On Being a Mother†and it discusses how men do look after the children but in their own benefits and didn’t actually take primary responsibility. In example a mother would need help looking after the children as she had a huge amount of domestic work to tend to so the father would take the children out for ice cream the mother would never be able to do that because she’s always busy and the father gets to go out for pleasure. In this case the children spend time with the father not because the father has the responsibility but because the mother, the primary carer, could not tend to them and in the end the father gets to enjoy his time while the mother is at home putting the family above herself. There’s a vast amount of inequality between the segregated couples which regresses the idea of the symmetrical family. Ferri and smith (1996) had a similar study but on a vast scale and the found that there was hardly any equality between couples in contributing to family roles as the father would have he easier tasks and the women would be the labour in the household. They also found that if women contributed to putting bread on the table they would still have to contribute to the domestic labour as much as any other women as if it were a privilege to be able to go out and work. This also contributing to the idea that equality between couples has regressed as the large majority of the data concludes that women are overworked by men. Decision making is the third role that is dispersed between the partners and we find that men usually make larger decisions while women keep to the smaller ones which involve their domestic work. Edgell (1980) found that men made decision on 3 areas that were important to both partners: moving house, finance and cars. While the women would make decision that was important but weren’t seen as important to both partners e. tonight’s diner, shopping for food, children’s clothing etc. Due to the unappreciative attitudes each partner gave to the smaller but frequent tasks women undertook the man was considered as the power house where all decisions of and for the household were made. You read "Sociology Couples and Equality Paper" in category "Papers" Understanding this we can see that equality could not progress because both partners are lead to believe that the smaller more frequent tasks are insignificant causing regression in equality between couples. Backing this statement is the second part of Edgell’s study was half the men and women said equality was a bad thing. We could assume that the man was taking lead on the decision and influencing the wife but most likely they saw each other as incapable of preforming their â€Å"set†tasks. Although there are criticisms of Edgell’s study coming from another feminist NB Davis (1991) and she has experienced the idea that women can use their abilities of persuasion and power to manipulate and even undermine men’s’ power. If thought about the hypothesis is valid but there is no study to back that statement how do we know that women only accept their social status so they can sway the power in their direction. This study was 10 years later and we now have the understanding that women are capable of tipping the power distribution in their favour which may not be the best way to insure equality but it is effective. Even though this occurs I don’t think most women have the capability of subtly controlling men to the point were they have the power and control within the relationship or equal to so I still stand on saying there is a regression in equality between couples. Pahl (1993) in research on the role of finance, the forth role, in a family found the men dominated in controlling the finances of the house. He found that if both couples were in paid work the man controlling the finances were more common and in the least likely of cases only one of the couples would work and that one would control the finances again most likely the man. We see an emerging pattern of men dominance in any case which regresses the idea of equality in distribution of domestic roles. But Pahl’s study did find equality between men and women in managing the finances (a quarter of the results) which in comparison with industrial times the amount is pretty high as women were expected not to work at all and never to manage finances. So we can actually derive that there has been a progression, however slow, in the equality of men and women. In criticism men are naturally better at mathematics then women it is known in education that boys usually achieve higher in Maths while women usually excell in English so it can’t just be based on the idea that men dominate the important tasks of the family linking in with decision making. The fifth but one of the most influential roles for men is the career role â€Å"someone to put bread on the table†. Martins and Roberts (1984) found that men are more likely to take part in domestic labour if the women worked full time. More likely†is an indication that even though the women took the role of the man would still be disinclined to take the responsibilities of the woman (54%). Women found it much harder to start and grow a career (Item B) so you would think men would have enough understanding and sympathy for the majority to help out but it wasn’t the case. Their second part of the research found that 74% of part time working women took full responsibility for domestic labour. This indicates very low levels of equality in this point in time. To argue Gershuny (1982) found that on average hours spent on conjugal roles for women was less of that of men if the man was in full time work. In older times on average more men were in full time work than women we would see that men’s argument of equality would be better weighted than women. Sulvian (1996) found that most men spent their free time socialising and relaxing while women spent most of their free time to housework. This point could tip the scales to show balance between men and women on hours spent on conjugal roles; but it really depends on your point of view. Some people would argue that â€Å"a women’s work is never done†because they want to create a perfect home not because they need to. I my opinion women do their work out of good will and because of this progression to the symmetrical family may be hindered. I derived this as women would be less likely to share their conjugal roles with the incapable domestic workers, men. Even with this is sight I see progression in equality amongst couples as Hardill el al (1997) found different data to Martin and Roberts (1984) but found evidence of joint decisions and some movements of equality. On time based judgements I say that career based roles in contribution to conjugal roles between couples are becoming more equal; as we see an emergence in joint decisions and shared labour. The sixth and darkest side of the family is the emotion and violence role. Duncombe and Marsden (1995) found evidence to construct the triple shift theory were in the most unequal situation women would do the domestic labour be in full employment and use their emotional capabilities to create a stable and happy family. Their research shows that undertaking the role of emotional work is a great responsibility as you must not only understand yourself but the rest of the family too. Not only that because the children are too young to see the problem and, research shows, the father denies it the women gets singled out. Which leads to the inescapable situation: the women out of good will try to make sure her family see the problem and because of that she is exposed to domestic violence. Dobash and Dobash (1979) found that out of 137 women 25% of them would receive beatings for poor behaviour. This occurred as they found the power relationship in marriage is unequal between the couples which then affects the later generations understanding of violence within the household due to visual socialisation. They also found that women were incapable of leaving their husbands due to financial dependence so again we find an inescapable situation were women are the victims. If we work through 1979 to 1995 we find that women found 2 escape routes to equality. One was to gain financial dependence to start careers from young ages and not falling into this oppressed cycle (evidence being Item B â€Å"current high levels of divorce†). The other lead into the second oppressed cycle. By looking at this research and understanding the scientific principle of natural selection women have learnt to avoid violence/physical confrontation by becoming skilled in working with people’s emotions. Women may not always fall into the second cycle of oppression depending on their skill in emotion and the characteristics of each of the family members. These two routes may not always lead to equality but they lead to greater equality than that of the past showing a progression in equality amongst couples in society. Evaluating these different domestic roles I have found one conclusion on the equality between couples and its course. The symmetrical family is a feasible idea but time has taken its toll and partnerships continue to be unequal (Item B) but with time and understanding of this situation we can progress. In the role of household chores we found slow but gaining rogression in the equality amongst couples most likely caused by guilt as it takes time for the reality to sink in to unravel ignorance and primary socialisation. In the role of childcare we see that regression in equality between couples is predictable as the father likes to take the easy way out not seeing or denying the problem the mother gets singled out (against fun). So really in this situation the father is the individual that needs to get the progression of equality motor running. In the role of decision-making we have seen regression in equality amongst couples this was caused by both partners inability to change for the better were both partners deny the significance of smaller but frequent tasks. In the role of finance we discover that progression is there as men are allowing women to take on careers they are more accepting to the idea of women managing their own finances and in comparison with other roles this one has most progression in equality. In the role of the â€Å"bread winner†/careers we see an equal amount of progression as that of finance for the same reason (constant reminders of capability). In the role of emotions and violence work we derive with understanding that equality is progressing as women were able to grow and overlook their past. With this understanding women are able to show the error in men’s ways and with time ignorance and highly gendered division of labour (Item B) will be a thing of the past and socialisation will work for equality amongst couples. With that being said and the rest of the assessment being considered I can say that roles and relationships amongst couples are becoming more equal because of women. How to cite Sociology Couples and Equality Paper, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
PR Practitioners on Managing Stakeholder’s Needs †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the PR Practitioners on Managing Stakeholders Needs. Answer: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) connotes to smart business actions that lead to an improvement in the company as a whole, building integrity and developing sustainability. Public Relations (PR) play a very crucial role in reporting all the actions relating to CSR that the company performs or must perform in order to get more pronounced in the operational market. Thus, it becomes very important for PR Practitioners to offer greater insights in devising and deploying CSR activities that would resonate credibly with the chief stakeholders. They focus on activities to promote productive business with greater consideration to the stakeholders of the companies who frame the base for the better performances of the companies. The PR Professionals have a unique position that is characterized by the rich knowledge that they have relating to the variable needs of stakeholders mainly through their depth in experience with technologies and dialogic communications (Seitel 2017). The messages that the PR Practitioners carry are chiefly based on factual information and are very transparent. They are less promotional and controlled and can leverage CSR activities to be personally important to external stakeholders. Public relations serve to be the driving vehicle that shares the progress made by companies who are engaging themselves in successful embracement of the strategic and integrated nature of CSR to the world. The assert that CSR is a systematic and sustainable approach to business that recognize and integrate the impact on and influence of the stakeholders, that is the employees, shareholders, customers, supply chain and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Relations, in the present time are references in the communicational activity that lies in the context of communities where the businesses operate (Grunig 2013). The public relations aim to build and maintain a positive impression and popularity of the companies so that the people in general have a clear and transparent idea of the company and its activities. The CSR intends to improve the quality of life of the customers by meeting the various social problems that the communities report to face. Realizing the importance of CSR, the developed countries made it a phenomenon in their businesses that led top the initiation of CSR programs for the benefit of the society. These activities relate to the public relations instrument that strives to improve the image capital of the companies and simultaneously accelerate their financial performances. With the increasing identification of CSR to be very important for the growth of the companies, the c oncept has begun to be recognized in the other countries as well. CSR and PR activities work in collaboration and both these processes operate within the organizations with a link in between them. The PR department has been considering CSR to be a new solution to improve the image of the companies in their engagement in social problems that would bring clients and partners that are more faithful to the companies. The PR coordinates the external relationship of the companies that is not embedded within the functioning of the different structures of the companies. However, it is also important to understand the border that exists between the two phenomenon of corporate social responsibilities and public relations that has been rightly manifested by various specialists and their specialized literature. The concept of CSR is placed under the umbrella of PR since the organizations come closest to the public through the intermediary role that is played by the CSR. The primary activity of the PR is to focus on the researching and defining of the various problems that the public complains about, both inside and outside (Theaker 2017). They trace the attitudes, behaviors and opinions if the people who have a connection with the activities of the company. Thus, they report about the problem and recognize opportunities relating to social and environmental policies that would serve the social demands. Th ey try to understand the relations of stakeholders as well as their expectations and demands and aims to improve the relations with the stakeholders network involved in the business. Thus, both PR and CSR use their abilities to analyze and plan the relationship of the companies with various co-interested groups that the companies come in contact with (Coombs and Holladay 2013). PR Professionals also involves in implementing strategies and communicating them to the stakeholders. The not only introduce but also monitors and communicates the strategies to the stakeholders that serve to be a very crucial activity for the growth and development of the businesses. The PR Practitioners also play the vital role of evaluating the pluses and minuses that occurs in the business processes that helps the company to determine their position in relation the community and society where they are operating. Thus, both PR and CSR have similar roles to perform in accordance to the needs of the stakehol ders in companies, however they differ in the final role where the PR evaluates the situation where as the CSR implements the processes for the societal benefits (Stacks 2016). The following diagram presents the steps common in between CSR and PR that diverges at the end (Smith 2013). Step 1: the ability to identify certain problems and opportunities so that a connection is build in between the companies and the groups or people interested in the businesses. Step 2: the ability to plan and analyze the relation of the companies with the co-interested groups that the companies encounter (Kim 2014). Step 3: introducing, monitoring and communicating adequate strategies. It is evident that the PR shoulders the responsibility of communicating the CSR activities that a company is going to undertake or are already engaged in, with the different types of stakeholders. They help to increase the efficiency of the companies by communicating all the measures that would serve to the demands of the stakeholders, leading to an overall improvement of the relations that the companies share with their customers (Dozier, Grunig and Grunig 2013). Thus, the PR has the primary role to strategically manage the CSR activities of the companies that help them to sustain the relations with the stakeholders for the long term. According to Kim and Ferguson (2014) PR activities along the CSR activities that the companies undertake have beneficial effects on the image of the respective companies. Simultaneous use of PR and CSR activities brings positive results at both the managerial level and the general impression of the companies (Davis 2013). It is very important to determine the relevance of stakeholders for industries, who are related to the total outcomes of the companies. Considering the importance of the stakeholders, managing them effectively can lead to great differences that would bring success to the businesses. Thus, it is very important to have effective public relations that communicates and understands the stakeholders. For any project relationships, stakeholder management serves to be the lifeblood. Thus, the PR practitioners strive to establish sound relationship that renders the stakeholders with a feeling of trust and relevance of the companies. It also depends on them to make the stakeh olders understand their role in contributing to the business processes that would ultimately lead to the meeting and accomplishing of business goals and objectives (Johnston 2014). The public relations practitioners identify the stakeholders, communicate effectively and lead to the development of productive team members who work coordinately focusing on the common targets. This ultimately leads to the success of the businesses. Considering the negative aspect of ineffectivemanagement of stakeholders and overlooking the role of public relations, there can be delay in project or product delivery from businesses, resource drainage, political interventions and project terminations (Heath 2013). This increases risk in businesses that ultimately makes the operations in the businesses unsuccessful. The public relations practitioner is the liaison between the companies and the public. With the communication of the information about the organizations to the outside world, they in turn relay the feelings of the public to the companies. Thus, they build, protect and maintain the reputation of the organizations. Every stakeholder gets attracted and inclined towards the organizations who have a good reputation. The PR practitioners frame the repute of the companies among the people in general that simultaneously develops a consumers confidence that serves to be the healthier bottom line and growth of the industries (Bry son 2018). Bad reputation with ineffective PR affects the financial outcome badly that leads to a total declination of the businesses. The PR practitioners interact with news media and holds press conferences. They even indulge in writing press releases considering the requests for greater information from public. They also manage the social media accounts of the organizations and reach out to the various community events to develop public sentiments for the prosperity of the businesses (Culbertson and Chen 2013). Through these processes, the PR practitioners become able to identify the areas that need changes to be made by the companies and provide the organizational leaders with reports for any updates that they must know about, with valid information and data. Considering the stakeholders to serve as the basis for growth in industries, it becomes very essential for the PR practitioners to manage stakeholders needs and expectations. The stakeholders as a group usually understand the business situation better, thus it is very important to manage them. They have the potential to collapse an entire firm when their expectations are not met. Having their priorities unconsidered by the industries, the business can collapse as whole. Thus, it is very important to recognize the demands and expectations of the stakeholders, who play a very crucial role to bring success in the projects (Gregory 2015). The PR practitioners must identify the intended recipients of communication with the general consideration that different stakeholders would seek different information, varying in forms. They must try to identify the rising issues of concern to each of the stakeholders relating to their decisions with an effective communication approach. Identifying the stakeholders and managing their expectations seeks effective leadership skills and excellent communication skills. All these need to be managed effectively by the PR practitioners who aim to drive the individuals in the projects. Good stakeholder management ensures a better working environment along with a smooth working of the organizations. It helps to mitigate risks to a huge extent, eliminate unnecessary delays and attain business goals in the long term. The stakeholders being the customers, shareholders, regulators, government agencies, users, staffs and others who serve to be the soul of any functioning company have varying opinions and expectations. The PR practitioners need to involve all these considerations and collect the information accordingly. To manage the expectations, the PR practitioners need to work with greater consideration to their communication and initiating dialogue with the most influential stakeholders (Steyn and Niemann 2014). They must primarily understand the importance of the particular stakeholders that they would deal with and get access to their requirements. The practitioners must also investigate whether the desired outcome of the stakeholders is realistic or not in respect to the present business conditions. The project aims must be clearly stated to the stakeholders and it must be noted that the PR practitioners provide them with regular progress reports. Encouraging delegation wherever necessary, the practitioners must open up less formal lines of communication in order to accommodate the busy stakeholders. The practitioners also trace the accountability and record agreements for the stakeholders to address to them in need. It is equally important for them to be agile to changing market situations that ultimately affect stakeholder expectations. The practitioners, knowing the importance of the stakeholders must constantly reassess the prevailing preconception of stakeholder motivations, expectations and attitudes that account to the evolving and growing business landscape. Thus, with a wide range of communication channels and approaches, the PR practitioners must try to provide all sorts of solutions to every stakeholder. To sustain their reputation in the market, some of the companies who have been able to maintain their standard are Bosch who believes that losing money is better than losing trust. Other such companies prioritizing the CSR activities are Dell, Apple, BMW, Levi Strauss and co., Salesforce, Coca Cola and such others. Such practices show the concern of the companies that commits to sustainability and strengthening communities apart from the sole objective of profit-making. These activities have not only aided the society and the environment in multiple ways but have also led them to be even more popular and trusted by the people all around the world. They not only engage in their business activities revolving around money making but also prioritize the requisites of all their stakeholders and the global society. Thus, considering the role of stakeholders who serve to be the key for success in businesses, it becomes very important for PR practitioners to manage their needs and expectatio ns in a very effective way. References: Bryson, J.M., 2018.Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley Sons. Coombs, W.T. and Holladay, S.J., 2013.It's not just PR: Public relations in society. John Wiley Sons. Culbertson, H.M. and Chen, N., 2013.International public relations: A comparative analysis. Routledge. Davis, A., 2013.Promotional cultures: The rise and spread of advertising, public relations, marketing and branding. Polity. Dozier, D.M., Grunig, L.A. and Grunig, J.E., 2013.Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Gregory, A., 2015.Planning and managing public relations campaigns: A strategic approach. Kogan Page Publishers. Grunig, J.E. ed., 2013.Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Heath, R.L. ed., 2013.Encyclopedia of public relations. Sage Publications. Johnston, K.A., 2014. Public relations and engagement: Theoretical imperatives of a multidimensional concept.Journal of Public Relations Research,26(5), pp.381-383. Kim, S. and Ferguson, M.T., 2014. Public expectations of CSR communication: What and how to communicate CSR.Public Relations Journal,8(3), pp.1-22. Kim, Y., 2014. Strategic communication of corporate social responsibility (CSR): Effects of stated motives and corporate reputation on stakeholder responses.Public Relations Review,40(5), pp.838-840. Seitel, F.P., 2017.Practice of Public Relations. Pearson Education. Smith, R.D., 2013.Strategic planning for public relations. Routledge. Stacks, D.W., 2016.Primer of public relations research. Guilford Publications. Steyn, B. and Niemann, L., 2014. Strategic role of public relations in enterprise strategy, governance and sustainabilityA normative framework.Public Relations Review,40(2), pp.171-183. Theaker, A., 2017. What is public relations?. InThe Public Relations Strategic Toolkit(pp. 17-27). Routledge.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Geography/History The Kurds A Nation Without A State Introduction Of
Geography/History The Kurds: A Nation Without a State Introduction Of all the ethnic groups in the world, the Kurds are one of the largest that has no state to call their own. According to historian William Westermann, "The Kurds can present a better claim to race purity...than any people which now inhabits Europe." (Bonner, p. 63, 1992) Over the past hundred years, the desire for an independent Kurdish state has created conflicts mainly with the Turkish and Iraqi populations in the areas where most of the Kurds live. This conflict has important geographical implications as well. The history of the Kurdish nation, the causes for these conflicts, and an analysis of the situation will be discussed in this paper. History of the Kurds The Kurds are a Sunni Muslim people living primarily in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. The 25 million Kurds have a distinct culture that is not at all like their Turkish, Persian, and Arabic neighbors (Hitchens, p. 36, 1992). It is this cultural difference between the groups that automatically creates the potential for conflict. Of the 25 million Kurds, approximately 10 million live in Turkey, four million in Iraq, five million in Iran, and a million in Syria, with the rest scattered throughout the rest of the world (Bonner, p. 46, 1992). The Kurds also have had a long history of conflict with these other ethnic groups in the Middle East, which we will now look at. The history of Kurds in the area actually began during ancient times. However, the desire for a Kurdish homeland did not begin until the early 1900's, around the time of World War I. In his Fourteen Points, President Woodrow Wilson promised the Kurds a sovereign state (Hitchens, p. 54, 1992). The formation of a Kurdish state was supposed to have been accomplished through the Treaty of Sevres in 1920 which said that the Kurds could have an independent state if they wanted one (Bonner, p. 46, 1992). With the formation of Turkey in 1923, Kemal Ataturk, the new Turkish Pre sident, threw out the treaty and denied the Kurds their own state. This was the beginning of the Turkish-Kurdish conflict. At about this same time, the Kurds attempted to establish a semi-independent state, and actually succeeded in forming the Kingdom of Kurdistan, which lasted from 1922-1924; later, in 1946, some of the Kurds established the Mahabad Republic, which lasted for only one year (Prince, p. 17, 1993). In 1924, Turkey even passed a law banning the use of the Kurdish language in public places. Another group of people to consider is the Kurds living in Iraq. Major conflict between the Kurds and Iraqis did not really begin until 1961, when a war broke out that lasted until 1970. Around this time, Saddam Hussein came to power in Iraq. In 1975, Hussein adopted a policy of eradicating the Kurds from his country. Over the next fifteen years, the Iraqi army bombed Kurdish villages, and poisoned the Kurds with cyanide and mustard gas (Hitchens, p. 46, 1992). It is estima ted that during the 1980's, Iraqis destroyed some 5000 Kurdish villages (Prince, p. 22, 1993). From this point, we move into the recent history and current state of these conflicts between the Kurds and the Turks, and the Kurds against the Iraqis. Causes for Conflict The reasons for these conflicts have great relevance to geography. The areas of geography relating to these specific conflicts are a historical claim to territory on the part of the Kurds, cultural geography, economic geography, and political geography. These four areas of geography can best explain the reasons for these Kurdish conflicts. First, the Kurds have a valid historical claim to territory. They have lived in the area for over 2000 years. For this reason, they desire the establishment of a Kurdish homeland. Iraqis and Turks, while living in the area for a long period of time, cannot make a historical claim to that same area. The conflict arises, however, because the area happens to lie within the border s of Iraq and Turkey. Even though the Kurds claim is valid, the Turks and Iraqis have chosen to ignore it and have tried to wipe out the Kurds. Second, and probably most Geography/History The Kurds A Nation Without A State Introduction Of Geography/History The Kurds: A Nation Without a State Introduction Of all the ethnic groups in the world, the Kurds are one of the largest that has no state to call their own. According to historian William Westermann, "The Kurds can present a better claim to race purity...than any people which now inhabits Europe." (Bonner, p. 63, 1992) Over the past hundred years, the desire for an independent Kurdish state has created conflicts mainly with the Turkish and Iraqi populations in the areas where most of the Kurds live. This conflict has important geographical implications as well. The history of the Kurdish nation, the causes for these conflicts, and an analysis of the situation will be discussed in this paper. History of the Kurds The Kurds are a Sunni Muslim people living primarily in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. The 25 million Kurds have a distinct culture that is not at all like their Turkish, Persian, and Arabic neighbors (Hitchens, p. 36, 1992). It is this cultural difference between the groups that automatically creates the potential for conflict. Of the 25 million Kurds, approximately 10 million live in Turkey, four million in Iraq, five million in Iran, and a million in Syria, with the rest scattered throughout the rest of the world (Bonner, p. 46, 1992). The Kurds also have had a long history of conflict with these other ethnic groups in the Middle East, which we will now look at. The history of Kurds in the area actually began during ancient times. However, the desire for a Kurdish homeland did not begin until the early 1900's, around the time of World War I. In his Fourteen Points, President Woodrow Wilson promised the Kurds a sovereign state (Hitchens, p. 54, 1992). The formation of a Kurdish state was supposed to have been accomplished through the Treaty of Sevres in 1920 which said that the Kurds could have an independent state if they wanted one (Bonner, p. 46, 1992). With the formation of Turkey in 1923, Kemal Ataturk, the new Turkish Pre sident, threw out the treaty and denied the Kurds their own state. This was the beginning of the Turkish-Kurdish conflict. At about this same time, the Kurds attempted to establish a semi-independent state, and actually succeeded in forming the Kingdom of Kurdistan, which lasted from 1922-1924; later, in 1946, some of the Kurds established the Mahabad Republic, which lasted for only one year (Prince, p. 17, 1993). In 1924, Turkey even passed a law banning the use of the Kurdish language in public places. Another group of people to consider is the Kurds living in Iraq. Major conflict between the Kurds and Iraqis did not really begin until 1961, when a war broke out that lasted until 1970. Around this time, Saddam Hussein came to power in Iraq. In 1975, Hussein adopted a policy of eradicating the Kurds from his country. Over the next fifteen years, the Iraqi army bombed Kurdish villages, and poisoned the Kurds with cyanide and mustard gas (Hitchens, p. 46, 1992). It is estima ted that during the 1980's, Iraqis destroyed some 5000 Kurdish villages (Prince, p. 22, 1993). From this point, we move into the recent history and current state of these conflicts between the Kurds and the Turks, and the Kurds against the Iraqis. Causes for Conflict The reasons for these conflicts have great relevance to geography. The areas of geography relating to these specific conflicts are a historical claim to territory on the part of the Kurds, cultural geography, economic geography, and political geography. These four areas of geography can best explain the reasons for these Kurdish conflicts. First, the Kurds have a valid historical claim to territory. They have lived in the area for over 2000 years. For this reason, they desire the establishment of a Kurdish homeland. Iraqis and Turks, while living in the area for a long period of time, cannot make a historical claim to that same area. The conflict arises, however, because the area happens to lie within the border s of Iraq and Turkey. Even though the Kurds claim is valid, the Turks and Iraqis have chosen to ignore it and have tried to wipe out the Kurds. Second, and probably most
Monday, November 25, 2019
Microsoft Word Tips Adjusting Paragraph Spacing
Microsoft Word Tips Adjusting Paragraph Spacing Microsoft Word Tips: Adjusting Paragraph Spacing The space between paragraphs is important for professional formatting. Some style guides will even specify the paragraph spacing to use in a document. But how does this work in Microsoft Word? Paragraph Spacing Basics Paragraph spacing refers to the space between paragraphs in a document. And while you could add a manual blank line to divide paragraphs by hitting â€Å"Enter†on your keyboard, it is much easier and neater to let the formatting options in Microsoft Word do this for you! The quickest way to do this is via the Paragraph section of the Home tab on the ribbon: Select the text you want to format Go to Home Paragraph and click Line and Paragraph Spacing The spacing menu. Choose Add Space Before Paragraph or Add Space After Paragraph This will add a default space in the place selected. If the text has already been formatted, you will instead have the option to Remove Space Before Paragraph or Remove Space After Paragraph. Custom Paragraph Spacing If you want more control over the spacing in your document, you have two main options. The first is to open the Paragraph menu. You can do this via the Paragraph section of the Home tab: Open the Line and Paragraph Spacing dropdown menu Click Line Spacing Options†¦ In the window that opens, go to the Spacing section Adjust the values in the Before and After fields as required The main paragraph menu. Your second option is to use the Layout tab on the main ribbon. To do this: Go to Layout and find the Paragraph section Adjust the values in the Before and After fields as required Spacing options in the Layout tab. Typically, for text with a font size of 10-12 pts, you will want a spacing value between 6-8 pts. An Alternative Approach Finally, there is another way to control spacing in Microsoft Word. This is accessed via the Design tab on the main ribbon. Here, in the Document Formatting section, you’ll find a Paragraph Spacing dropdown menu with pre-set options to adjust the spacing in your document. Paragraph Spacing in the Design tab. However, this applies spacing throughout your entire document and also controls line spacing. It therefore offers much less customization than the methods described above.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Moral Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Moral Life - Essay Example It speaks of three things, moral standards, moral responsibility and moral identity. (Design. Morality 2013) When we claim that we want to lead a moral life, it means that we want to lead a life which embodies our own moral commitments. When the person has a good conscience which is socialized by human contact, then the person automatically starts leading a good moral life. A moral person would always do the right thing for the reason without thinking of any laws or commandments. It is true that laws and commandments enforce morality on people making them lead a forced moral life, for instance, if the law forbids killing and a person still wants to do that despite knowing its wrong, then that person is not moral by being. More importantly, these laws and commandments are at times not even same in all parts of the world. Having said that, in a few countries of the world there are not enough laws related to all the wrong activities, so considering that if morality and moral life is red uced to just laws and commandments, then the people living in those countries where they are not enough laws will less likely be able to lead a moral life. Morality of a person should always come from within; it depends on the conscience of a person. If a person’s conscience doesn’t find killing or stealing a wrong deed then that person’s conscience is formed poorly and hence his moral judgments wouldn’t be trustworthy either. A good conscience also plays a major role in leading a moral life. Morality has an impact on our daily decisions and these decisions are directed by our conscience. We shall figure out from where this conscience really originates from. Some people think that conscience is just a matter of our hearts and that the concepts of right and wrong are programmed in each of us The general ability of knowing what is right and wrong including the concrete judgments that humans make regarding what should or should not be done is all represented by conscience. To follow or depart from reason and the divine law are the decisions which moral choices confront us with; so a good conscience is what make makes judgments confirming to the reason. It is rightly said then that, a good conscience requires a lifelong formation as once it is developed properly, there is no way the person with good conscience will not lead a good moral life based on personal decisions. A moral life which will inspire others and they would follow the same path too. All said and done, a moral person would always do the right thing for the reason without thinking of any laws or commandments. A moral character would neither act out of fear nor hope for any reward. So many people who are bind to follow the law are not leading a moral life but they are just ‘pretending’ to be moral because a moral person is ‘moral’ in being not in behavior. So personal feelings seem to play a bigger role and have a greater impact in the attempt to l ead a moral life than laws and commandments. As only when a person feels from within about the god and the bad then only can that person strive to lead a better life, a moral life without any forced rules enforced on him. This is how we can lead a moral life based on our personal decisions, by imagining the right way of conducting our lives; by caring for others when they are in trouble in a way which makes us feel that we are doing well in this world. The first step to seek a good moral life is to develop a good
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Delvoye Standard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Delvoye Standard - Essay Example However, it is an imperfect answer as neither states nor foreign countries trust in the convention. Keywords: custody, jurisdiction, paternity, place of residence, Discussion It is true that only 49 out of 50 United States have ratified the UCCAIA. But among them, there are some State courts that do not trust another country to abide by it either. Such was the case in In re Sigmar, found at No. 10-08-00328-CV (Tex. App.--Waco 2008, orig. proceeding). In this case the family court judge found there was sufficient reason to issue an injunction to prevent the father removing the child to Mexico because the court did not believe a court in Mexico would adhere to the HCCAIA. The Texas Court of Appeals did not believe the court had abused its discretion in doing so. It should be noted that the Court of Appeals was also upholding the lower courts’ though there was nothing entered into the evidentiary record to support the holding. Other U.S. Courts have upheld the UCCAIA, such as App ellate Court of Florida in the much-publicized case of Elian Gonzalez. Though that case was largely decided on Administrative Law through the (then) Immigration and Naturalization Services, in a statement of January 5, 2000, they relied on the basic international laws of residential placement when deciding the status of the boy from Cuba who had washed into U.S Waters (para. 2). Though Commissioner Doris Meissner does not specifically mention the HCCAIA, she uses much of the same logical analysis as does the Hague Convention, namely that the boy had a principle place of residence in Cuba with his father (para. 5). Though there is much case law around the primary residence of the infant and older child, the case law around the neonate is scant and varied. Discussions of habitual... It is true that only 49 out of 50 United States have ratified the UCCAIA. But among them, there are some State courts that do not trust another country to abide by it either. Other U.S. Courts have upheld the UCCAIA, such as Appellate Court of Florida in the much-publicized case of Elian Gonzalez. Though there is much case law around the primary residence of the infant and older child, the case law around the neonate is scant and varied. Discussions of habitual residence obscures the reality of the neonate. It is at those moments when the HACAIA becomes of paramount importance, beyond the high regard for habitual residence. Indeed a newborn to sixth-month old infant can hardly be said to have a habitual place of residence. Where lies the venue for the newborn? Schwartz (2004) provides list upon list of international custody cases. Here, however, it is appropriate to understand what happens within State courts when they fail to follow the UCCAIA. HCCAIA and the UCCEA presume that there is a custody order or some valid authority to express parental rights. Therefore they skip over that part on move on the venue. I would happily provide a citation here but its very absence from case law suggests there is a dearth of such cases at the appellate level and the UCCAIA holds no sway with the United States Courts in light of the UCCJEA, at a time when the international guidelines would be at their highest use.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Hypnotherapy - Understanding of Conscious and Sub Conscious Processing Essay
Hypnotherapy - Understanding of Conscious and Sub Conscious Processing - Essay Example Even though this method is considered unscientific as it leads to abreaction, it has been verified to work on problems or conditions such as managing pain for those with chronic illnesses, depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, addictions, insomnia, phobias, eating disorders and even weight loss among many others. Since this technique explores the subconscious, care should be taken as to how it is being explored as it can lead to creation of false memories or quick awakening before preparation can cause partial amnesia as some of the memories are temporarily erased. Charles Tebbets was a renowned hypnotherapist and he explained that the subconscious must be known and understood from its functions to its principles in order to understand how hypnotherapy works. According to Tebbets, there are six functions of the subconscious and five principles that convince the subconscious and they will be discussed in detail below. The subconscious is a memory bank. Every action, feelings and experiences an individual has ever undergone through is stored in the subconscious without even the knowledge of the individual. These are the forgotten memories and hence do not come up when the person’s mind is not at ease or conscious. When hypnosis is however employed, the defences to the mind are eliminated and these memories are able to be accessed and they can explain various causes of the problems and conditions in a person’s life. The subconscious controls as well as regulates the functions of the body that are involuntary such as breathing and digestion among others. When an individual is under stress, these involuntary functions are affected through inhibition and they may eventually lead to psychosomatic illnesses. With hypnosis, these involuntary functions are able to be restored as it touches the controlling aspect. Tebbets explains that the subconscious is the seat to our emotions
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact of National Culture on HRM practices
Impact of National Culture on HRM practices According to Brewster (1995, cited by Wilton, 2010), an organisations Human Resource Management policies are dictated by international, national, and organisational constraints. The impact of such limitations, particularly in the midst of an increasingly globalised society, is of particular importance with the continued growth of Multinational Corporations (MNCs). With business extending across regional, national and international boundaries, now characterized by heightened permeability, adaptations in HRM practices are necessary to account for the variations apparent between nations. As reiterated by Schuler (1998), with MNCs competing in a global marketplace, it has become increasingly important to recognise the significance of the admonition When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Including both institutional (hard) and cultural (soft) discrepancies, MNCs must not only seek to understand the social framework embedded in foreign cultures, but must develop a means to overcome the impedim ents associated with it to insure the success of the corporations subsidiaries abroad. Research illustrates that MNCs often attempt to transfer existing HRM practices to their foreign subsidiaries, however, in the midst of significant cultural gaps; such methods are correlated with high failure rates(Morris et al, 2009; Tayeb, 2005). As national culture is engraved into the skeletal framework of a society, and hence, its organisations, an approach that adapts to the local environment and established social norms, is of pivotal importance (Newman et al, 1996; Morris et al, 2009; Tayeb, 2005). National Culture: A Brief Overview Despite the controversies apparent in its definition, there is wide consensus that national culture encompasses a cornucopia of shared assumptions, norms, values, and beliefs that are embedded into the very core of society (Wilton, 2010; McSweeney, 2002; Maih et al, 2007). A system of values, national culture is perceived as collective programming of the human mind, which, in turn, directly influences the behavioural manifestations of a society within the environment and the group itself (Sackmann, 1992). As reiterated by Schein (1985, cited by Wilton, 2010), national culture is a means of overcoming the universal obstacles within society, that of external adaptation and internal integration. It is a thread that intertwines the heart of a nation with the essence of each individual, community and organisation a thread that stitches an otherwise fragmented society into a tapestry of commonality. As a nations human and institutional foundations are the fruit of its cultural roots, nati onal culture has a significant impact on business operations within MNCs, particularly in regards to the soft aspects of organisations, such as HRM policies. As emphasized by Hickson and Pugh (1995, cited by McSweeney, 2002), a nations culture has a broad spectrum of influence, shaping every thought, every decision, every action, every organisation. Conceptualising National Culture The values embodied by the vast array of cultures worldwide are highly diverse, and so, with business operations no longer constrained by geographical boundaries, MNCs must acknowledge this diversity and its subsequent implications for management (Miah et al, 2007; Newman et al, 1996). While the permeability of global barriers is widely acknowledged, the transferability of HRM practices from the country of origin to those of the subsidiaries is fraught with difficulties, and so, the implications of culture for corporations, as emphasized by Hofstedes model of national cultural differences, are indispensible for MNC management (McSweeney, 2002). Based on research conducted at IBM and its foreign subsidiaries, Hofstede concluded that differences between the values, norms and beliefs of national cultures could be categorized into four dimensions. Despite significant criticism in regards to methodology and obsolescence of data(McSweeney, 2002), the cultural differences apparent in Hofste des model may have implications for an organisations HRM policies in terms of the leadership style, importance of regulations and whether compensation should be linked to individual performance or seniority (Leat et al, 2007). Table 1: Hofstedes Model of Cultural Differences (Adapted from Wilton, 2010) Hofstedes Dimensions of National Culture Cultural Dimension Significance Power Distance A reflection of the acceptability of the social inequality that underpins the functioning of all societies, this dimension indicates the extent to which unequal power distribution is accepted within nations. While in high power societies, inequality is largely accepted, giving rise to autocratic management practices, low power societies are characterized by a desire for equality, stronger interpersonal relationships and heightened employee involvement Uncertainty Avoidance A reflection of the extent to which uncertainty and unpredictability are accepted in a society. In societies with high uncertainty avoidance, the creation of a sense of security and long term predictability is the central focus. On the other hand, in societies with low uncertainty avoidance, unpredictability and risk taking is encouraged. Hence, the importance of regulatory procedures is of less importance. Individualism vs. Collectivism A reflection of the degree to which self identity is reliant on individual or group characteristics. While in individualist societies, individual responsibility, initiative and concern predominates, collectivist societies are characterized by loyalty and concern for a much wider social network. Such societies are hence, more reliant on the organisation, community and country. Masculinity vs. Femininity A reflection of the significance of social differentiation between genders within a society as well as the degree to which traditional male orientations are emphasized over those linked with females. Masculine societies are characterized by ambition with success linked to the acquisition of material possessions. In feminine societies, however, interpersonal harmony is core, and so, quality of life, consideration for the environment and emotional satisfaction is fundamental 2 A noteworthy comparison dominating current HRM literature is that of the individualistic Anglo-Saxon countries and the collectivist Asian countries (Rowley et al, 2002). From the early 1960s, East Asia has been regarded as having one of the most rapidly developing economic environments in the world (Harzing et al, 2004). As a result of such rapid development, MNCs from Anglo Saxon countries, namely the USA, have developed operations in the likes of Japan, China and Taiwan. However, the development of appropriate HRM practices within their respective foreign subsidiaries has been fraught with difficulties, largely as a result of the differences in cultural parameters (Ralston et al, 1997). Values, norms and beliefs in Asian countries are deeply rooted in tradition and the notion workplace is family (Ralston et al, 1997). As such countries are a highly collectivist culture, characterised by high power distance high uncertainty avoidance, HRM policies developed by the USA which, accord ing to Hofstede, are markedly different would be ineffective without contextualisation (Rowley et al, 2002). Hence, as reiterated by Schuler et al (1998), congruence between culture and management practices is of pivotal importance as such an approach (1) demonstrates cultural awareness (2) intertwines policy with ingrained behavioural patterns and (3) is correlated with heightened financial performance . While institutionalists argue that institutional systems, such as the macro-economy, governance and legislation, are the main determinants of HRM policy differences(Leat et al, 2007; (Rowley et al, 2002), research findings derived from studies regarding the effect of national culture on HRM practices in Asian countries (Miah et al, 2007; Sparrow et al, 1998), the Middle East (Leat et al, 2007), Europe ( Newman et al, 1996) and North America (Rosenzweig et al, 1994; Schuler et al, 1998) suggest quite the contrary. Such notions are further supported by Budhwar(2000, cited in Leat et al, 2007), whom asserts that while management practice may be influenced by culture free institutional factors , HRM practices are determined largely by those which are culture bound. National Context: Implications for HRM National culture is engraved into the skeletal framework of a society, and so, as reiterated by Rosenzweig and Nohria (1994, cited in Leat et al, 2007), HRM is both historically and socially embedded and so, it is the area of management most susceptible to cultural differences. National culture, therefore, influences numerous facets of a corporations HRM policies, including resource administration, performance appraisal, strategic decision-making, leadership style, provision of developmental opportunities, and the management of employee relations (Tayeb, 2005). Reinforced by Sparrow et al (1998), HRM policies and practices in any given country are cultural artefacts a reflection of the cultures values and norms in which all organizations are embedded. 3 While research illustrates that various MNCs have opted for the transferral of established practices from the country of origin to that of the host countries (Morris et al, 2009), the lack of contextualisation accounts for the limited acceptance (Newman et al, 1996; Leat et al, 2007). As echoed by Newman (1996) and Miah (2007), the notion of one size fits all is no longer relevant, and so, contextualisation of management practices is vital. According to Nohria et al (1994), the degree to which a MNC differentiates its HRM policy to fit the cultural context of its affiliates is directly correlated with heightened performance of the firm. Furthermore, HRM policies that are consistent with a nations culture have been manifested in heightened employee motivation, self efficacy and improved organisational performance (Newman, 1996). Therefore, the admonition when in Rome, do as the Romans do, appears to be applicable where international HRM practices are concerned. As congruence between the external environment and internal strategy is vital, a misfit between national culture and HRM policies will cause rifts in the organisations foundations, whereby even the most seemingly insignificant crevice will impact the effectiveness of the business (Gerhart, 2008). Hence, in order for Multinational corporations to be competitive on a global scale: it is crucial that they recognize these relationships and adjust their compensation practices to the cultural specifics of a particular host country (Schuler et al, 1998, p. 161) Multinational Corporations and HRM policy 4As highlighted by Taylor et al, 1996, HRM policy orientation, defined as the general philosophy adopted by MNCs within their respective subsidiaries, must be geared towards addressing the tension between the dual imperatives of global integration (convergence) and local responsiveness (divergence)(Edwards et al, 2005). Based on research from Rosenzweig et al (1994), three generic HRM policy orientations may be adopted by MNCs within their foreign affiliates: Adaptive, Exportive and Integrative, which if often dependent on the stage of international corporate evolution (refer to table 2). Based on this typology, which links to that developed by Perlmutter in 1969, multinational corporations management practices within overseas subsidiaries could mirror that of the parent company (ethnocentric), could resemble local practices (polycentric) or could seek idle ground between integration and differentiation(geocentric) (Morris et al, 2009). While early convergence theorists argue for the adoption of an exportive strategy based on the existence of universal truths, differences between national cultures in todays society are deeply rooted, and so, adaptation to local practices is of pivotal importance (Rowley et al, 2002). As argued by Kristensen and Zeitlin (2001, cited in Edwards et al, 2005), Thus, it is arguable that in the midst of increasing globalisation, whereby the idea of readily transferable best practice is no longer relevant, an adaptive or integrative HRM orientation strategy is more applicable. The central issue for MNCs is not to determine the most effective HRM policy per se, but to identify the best fit between the firms external environment, its overall strategy and its HRM policy (Taylor et al, 1996, p.961). Table 2: MNC Human Resource Management Policies (Adapted from Taylor et al, 1996) Adaptive Exportive Integrative The Polycentric approach The Ethnocentric approach The Geocentric approach HRM policy that mirrors the local environment / culture Wholesale transfer of HRM policy from the parent company to the foreign subsidiaries HRM policy that integrates the adaptive and exportive approaches Low internal consistency within the MNC parent company and affiliates and high external consistency with the nation High internal consistency within the MNCs and affiliates and low external consistency with the local environment High internal consistency and moderate external consistency Differentiation is emphasized whereby HRM policies reflect existing local practices High integration whereby HRM policies are replicated in an MNCs foreign subsidiaries Combines differentiation with integration strategy Minimal transfer of HRM philosophy and policy between the MNC and subsidiaries Complete transfer of HRM practice from the parent MNC to overseas affiliates Multidirectional transfer of policies between the parent company and foreign subsidiaries According to Porter (1986, cited in Taylor et al, 1996), HRM policy orientation is dictated by the international strategy adopted by the MNC multidomestic or global. On a similar note, Nohria et al (1994) make the distinction between firm strategy that pursues differentiated fit and that which strives for universal adoption of shares values. A multidomestic strategy (decentralisation) is often pursued in nations where the local market places high demands on MNCs for policy adaptation (Wilton, 2010; Taylor et al, 1996). As argued by Edwards et al (2005), while multiculturism is the primary argument for differentiation, this pressure is augmented by the need to abide by national legislation, regulations and labour market institutions termed local isomorphic factors. As a result, based on contingency theory, such strategy requires policy differentiation to fit the national conditions of each subsidiary (Nohria et al, 1994). MNCs pursuing a global strategy (centralisation), on the othe r hand, employ a set of shared values and goals to achieve a collective competitive advantage. Such a strategy is, hence, dependent on heightened levels of integration, centralization, coordination and control within the MNC and its respective overseas affiliates (Edwards et al, 2005). As emphasized by Wilton (2010) and Nohria et al (1994), a global strategy seeks to minimise the abyss of differences between national systems, placing emphasis on the importance of policy integration and mutual interdependence at an organizational level. 5 MNCs that adopt a multidomestic strategy, and hence are characterized by heightened independence and localization, are likely to pursue an adaptive HRM orientation (Brock et al, 2007). In MNCs geared towards the pursuance of a global strategy, however, an integrative approach to HRM policy is a more viable option. As noted by Taylor et al (1996), corporations that pursue a global strategy require higher levels of integration and internal consistency between the MNC and its respective foreign subsidiaries. However, as Bartlett and Ghoshal (1989, cited in Taylor et al, 1996, p.968) argued, MNCs competing in an increasingly globalised marketplace must not only internationally integrated but locally responsive, and so, in spite of the trend toward internal convergence (ethnocentric), discrepancies between national cultures call for differentiation. Echoed by Rowley et al (2002), while international trade and finance pressure firms to standardise management policy, the local customs and c ulture embedded in the fabric of the nation act as barriers to convergence (geocentric). As highlighted in the study conducted by Nohria et al (1994), the performance of MNCs that adopted an integrative policy orientation (high degree of differentiated fit and shared values) was significantly higher than other firms in the sample of 66 MNCs in 19 different countries. These results are consistent with the findings of Brock et al (2007), whom notes that MNCs that pursue a geocentric approach have higher sales, profit margins and significantly better market shares. Nevertheless, numerous authors acknowledge that while an integrative policy is most appropriate, few firms adopt such practice, often opting instead for an exportive HRM orientation (Taylor et al, 1996; Rowley et al, 2002; Harzing et al, 2004). While the wholesale transplant of the HRM system (Edwards et al, 2005, p. 8) will heighten integration among the MNC units and ensure the continuity of firm ethos, it fails to acknowl edge both cultural and institutional barriers embedded into societies (Morris et al, 2009). USA and Japan: A Case Study 6In todays society, foreign affiliates are the gladiators of the Coliseum that is the modern globalised environment (Pudelko et al, 2007). Hence, in the context of the USA and Japan, HRM policy must attempt to address the conflict between global integration and Local responsiveness (Brock et al, 2007). While American firms initially believed in the notion of one size fits all, which led to the transfer of policies abroad, low success rates by companies such as EBay within an Asian context (refer to table 3) provides evidence to the contrary(Morris et al, 2009). According to Paul Schwamm, an entrepreneur based in Tokyo, EBays lack of success in Japan is attributed largely to their lack of consideration of national culture differences. Instead of adapting to satisfy local needs, EBay attempted to manipulate consumers to fit the companys American centric model (Lane, 2007). Furthermore, as echoed by Ferner (1994), where American firms have integrated a degree of Japanese HRM practice i nto that of their own, they have only done so in a piecemeal fashion. In Japan, an ethnically and religiously homogenous society with deep rooted nationalism, however, such practices are insufficient (Ralston et al, 1997). Table 3: Comparison between Japan and the USA (Adapted from Morris et al, 2002 and Wilton, 2010) Hofstedes Dimensions United States Japan Power Distance Low Medium high Uncertainty Avoidance Low medium High Individualism High Medium Low Masculinity High Medium As the conflict between western and eastern values, norms and beliefs provide a basis for policy differentiation; the adaptation of HRM policies to account for national discrepancies paves the road to organisational success, as can be seen in companies such as IBM, Canon, Sony, and Matsushita (Pudelko et al, 2007). Comparing subsidiaries of US firms in Japan and vice versa, those which have, to a certain extent, adapted practices to the national context (culture and institutional factors), experienced improved efficacy, commitment, employee satisfaction and higher performance (Ferner, 1994; Morris et al, 2009). Interestingly, however, Pudelko et al (2007) notes that while an integrative HRM orientation is apparent in numerous American and Japanese success stories, Japanese subsidiaries in the US are more willing to adopt local practices than their American counterparts are within Japan. This suggests that, while contextualisation is vital, MNCs within both Japan and the USA may still link the American HRM model as a code of best practice (Pudelko et al, 2007). While Japanese MNCs, such as Nissan, Renault, Matsushita and Hitachi are moving away from traditional practices and are becoming increasingly Americanized, traditional Japanese systems are still deeply rooted in various areas of the nation, and so, a degree of contextualisation by American firms is still paramount. Conclusion 7According to Brock et al (2007, p.354), MNC subsidiaries are faced with balancing dual roles: as cogs in the wheels of their parent organisations, and as competitors in local markets. With increasing levels of globalisation, internationalisation of business, and heightened competition, consideration of the viability of HRM policies within different national contexts is of growing importance. National culture is engraved into the skeletal framework of a society, and so, it has significant bearing on business operations within MNCs and their respective subsidiaries, particularly in regards to the soft aspects of organisations such as HRM policies, practices and philosophies. While research highlights trends towards global convergence of policies within MNCs and their respective foreign subsidiaries, discrepancies between national cultures and the norms, beliefs and values intertwined with their roots, call for differentiation. It is this need to bridge the concepts of integration and differentiation that justifies the adoption of an integrative HRM policy orientation in the midst of both a multidomestic and global management strategy. Hence, in order for MNCs to be successful, they need to adapt HRM policies to account for cultural diversity while maintaining the broader set of practices that reflect the firm itself.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
James Lovell Essay -- essays research papers
     James A. Lovell, captain in the United States Navy was born on March 25, 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio. His parents are James Arthur Senior and Blanch Lovell. You may have heard of James Lovell through the popular movie recently made named â€Å"Apollo 13†. Well, there is more to learn about Lovell than a movie about his dramatic journey back to Earth in 1970. Believe it or not he did do quite a bit more in his life that many people do not know about. Hopefully through reading this report you will learn many more facts about James A. Lovell.      Lovell’s interest in flying dated clear back into his early childhood. He loved to build rockets as a child. Though many of his first rockets were failures, Lovell was very persistent in what he was doing. His first successful rocket was launched from his backyard in Wisconsin when he was only twelve years old. It seemed as though James A. Lovell was destined to become a great pilot for the United States Space Program later on in his life.      Lovell graduated from Juneau High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Straight out of high school James attended the University of Wisconsin for two years. He then went to the United States Naval Academy until 1952 where he received his Bachelor of Science degree. For six years afterward Lovell attended the Naval Test Pilot School. He finished there in 1958. Upon completion James was employed as a test pilot at Pax River’s Naval Air Test Center from 1958 until 1961. Some of his responsibilities at the test center were Program Manager for the F-4H Phantom, and was also accountable for looking over the plane’s weapon system. After that, Lovell served as a Flight Instructor at the Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia.      After all of Lovell’s hard work, it had finally paid off. In September 1962 he was chosen to become an astronaut. In Lovell’s career at NASA he flew on a total of four missions. He was also on the backup crew for five other missions. Lovell’s first time in space was aboard the Gemini Seven with Frank Borman. His second mission flown was Gemini Twelve with Pilot Edwin Aldrin. The third time he went up was with Frank Borman and William Anders in the Apollo Eight Spacecraft. Lovell’s fourth and final mission was Apollo Thirteen accompanied by Fred W. Haise Jr. and John L. S... ...ccurred. This left Apollo Thirteen crippled and without much hope of return to Earth. The men in the crew of Apollo Thirteen and the Ground Control in Houston worked very closely with each other finding every way possible to conserve power and oxygen. In the end, the crew of Apollo Thirteen splashed down safely in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the most dramatic mission NASA has ever conducted in the history of the space program.      In conclusion, I would like to share some of the things Lovell did after his career in the space program. President Johnson appointed Lovell Consultant to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Later in 1970 he became the chairman of the Council. Lovell then retired from NASA and the Navy in 1973 where then he became the Consultant of the Council again. He joined the Bay-Houston Towing Company in Houston. In 1977 he became President of Fisk Telephone Systems in Houston. With everything. taken into consideration, I would say James A. Lovell had a pretty exciting and well-lived life. Resources: http://imagine5.com http://www.ari.nct/nss/askastro/Lovell/biograpy.html http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/ http://mcn.org James Lovell Essay -- essays research papers      James A. Lovell, captain in the United States Navy was born on March 25, 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio. His parents are James Arthur Senior and Blanch Lovell. You may have heard of James Lovell through the popular movie recently made named â€Å"Apollo 13†. Well, there is more to learn about Lovell than a movie about his dramatic journey back to Earth in 1970. Believe it or not he did do quite a bit more in his life that many people do not know about. Hopefully through reading this report you will learn many more facts about James A. Lovell.      Lovell’s interest in flying dated clear back into his early childhood. He loved to build rockets as a child. Though many of his first rockets were failures, Lovell was very persistent in what he was doing. His first successful rocket was launched from his backyard in Wisconsin when he was only twelve years old. It seemed as though James A. Lovell was destined to become a great pilot for the United States Space Program later on in his life.      Lovell graduated from Juneau High School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Straight out of high school James attended the University of Wisconsin for two years. He then went to the United States Naval Academy until 1952 where he received his Bachelor of Science degree. For six years afterward Lovell attended the Naval Test Pilot School. He finished there in 1958. Upon completion James was employed as a test pilot at Pax River’s Naval Air Test Center from 1958 until 1961. Some of his responsibilities at the test center were Program Manager for the F-4H Phantom, and was also accountable for looking over the plane’s weapon system. After that, Lovell served as a Flight Instructor at the Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia.      After all of Lovell’s hard work, it had finally paid off. In September 1962 he was chosen to become an astronaut. In Lovell’s career at NASA he flew on a total of four missions. He was also on the backup crew for five other missions. Lovell’s first time in space was aboard the Gemini Seven with Frank Borman. His second mission flown was Gemini Twelve with Pilot Edwin Aldrin. The third time he went up was with Frank Borman and William Anders in the Apollo Eight Spacecraft. Lovell’s fourth and final mission was Apollo Thirteen accompanied by Fred W. Haise Jr. and John L. S... ...ccurred. This left Apollo Thirteen crippled and without much hope of return to Earth. The men in the crew of Apollo Thirteen and the Ground Control in Houston worked very closely with each other finding every way possible to conserve power and oxygen. In the end, the crew of Apollo Thirteen splashed down safely in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the most dramatic mission NASA has ever conducted in the history of the space program.      In conclusion, I would like to share some of the things Lovell did after his career in the space program. President Johnson appointed Lovell Consultant to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. Later in 1970 he became the chairman of the Council. Lovell then retired from NASA and the Navy in 1973 where then he became the Consultant of the Council again. He joined the Bay-Houston Towing Company in Houston. In 1977 he became President of Fisk Telephone Systems in Houston. With everything. taken into consideration, I would say James A. Lovell had a pretty exciting and well-lived life. Resources: http://imagine5.com http://www.ari.nct/nss/askastro/Lovell/biograpy.html http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/ http://mcn.org
Monday, November 11, 2019
A journey by bus
It is generally said that a Journey by bus is not as thrilling as one by train or rear plane is. However, I had quite a pleasant experience of the Journey by bus which I undertook few months ago. It was the month of January. My annual examination was over. I had recess for some days. My parents decided to go to my uncle's house at Smaller by bus. Hearing the news my heart danced with Joy. It was 15th January 2014. We got into the bus at Subtotal bus terminal in due time. It was winter. There was pleasant sunshine. The sun started punctually Just at 6 a. M.I sat beside a window and was looking outside. The sun was rising with all its splendid beauty. Within an hour our bus began running leaving the urban areas at a high speed along the road with green fields on both sides. I was looking at the houses, trees, and meadows through the window with a cheerful mind. Things came to my vision and vanished in the twinkling of an eye. Everything on either side seemed running swiftly to the oppo site direction. When the bus was running through the forest of ‘Modular gear', the tall trees with green leaves gave a nice view.I was really charmed at the green beauties of Nature. It filled my heart with great Joy. The bus ran continuously for three hours. It then stopped at a place named Plash. There was a restaurant by the roadside. We got down from the bus and had light refreshment there. After a few minutes the bus began Its Journey again crossing the green fields on both the sides of the road. This time we saw bare-bodied youngsters tending cattle and grown up people working In the field. Occasionally we saw village women and girls bathing and washing clothes In the ponds. At about 12 noon we reached Smaller.Thus our Journey came to an end. The Journey by bus was really a pleasant one. I can hardly forget the sweet memory of this Journey. The scene of the Journey peeps Into my mind when I become tired of the monotonous urban life. Words- 361 a journey by bus By brandie d After a few minutes the bus began its Journey again crossing the green fields on both grown up people working in the field. Occasionally we saw village women and girls bathing and washing clothes in the ponds. At about 12 noon we reached of this Journey.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom Merck essay
buy custom Merck essay Merck is a giant drug company in the US that has been recently caught in the act of trying to defraud the medical fraternity with the involvement of its in house doctors who posed as Independent Scientists in an investigation into the safety of a drug named Vioxx that has been on the limelight for all the wrong reasons. In his testimony, Graham, a senior drug safety researcher observed that Vioxx had killed over 50,000 Americans and caused over 100,000 heart attacks (Adams). Misused Data Since this company had data that included feedback from clients who had been affected by the negative side effects of the drug in question, the management should have worked on making the drug safer. However, its senior management tried to hide the truth so as to win the approval of FDA which is the biggest drug safety agency in the US. The truth of the fraud came into the picture following lawsuits by people who had been affected by the fake drugs. The results After it became pretty obvious that Merck was engaging in a mud smearing campaign to discredit the media, the company went ahead to seek immunity from lawsuits. The company also voluntarily withdrew Vioxx from the market citing cardiovascular risks which it had initially denied (Kaufman, 2004). As a result Merck has lost its credibility as a genuine drug manufacturing company and this has led to lower business profits and associations. Merck had to part with $670 Million as fine for Medcal fraud (Comer, 2008). Limitations and significance of the data Merck engaged in a dire effort to change the label of the drug so as to remove uncertainty over the negative effects of the drug. The company trained the marketers to encourage doctors to provide any issue relating to the drug in a written form so that the management would work on them. This meant that Merck had concealed all the evidence. The significance of this was so that the public would have no idea of the kind of business that Merck engaged in which later on leaked in to the public limelight. Ethical implications Mercks aim was to increase sales and not to educate the public on the negative effects of the drug (Kaufman, 2004). This is an ethical dilemma that Merck did not address and instead trained its sales team to boost the sales of the drug despite their full knowledge about the negative effects of the drug. As a result therefore, congress observed that there was need to give FDA more powers to regulate the drug business in the US. The revelation of the on-going fraud has led to a bad reputation of this one time big company. Role of decision making in business Decision making refers to the act of coming up with an informed conclusion basing on the facts and opinions collected regarding a given issue. It is important in business since it not only acts as the basis of action but enccourages progress as well. For instance, if Mercks Board of Directors made the right decision basing on the information they had about the drug, the company would have progressed to amazing heights. Further, decision making helps in enhancing efficiency of staff and management basing on the available strategies and policies. Roles of emotion and fairness in decision making Emotions play a major role in decision making as it is the thin line that separates logical thinking from emotional decision making. More often than not we fail to recognize the role of emotion in decision making yet it is a reality that we cannot divorce from the decision making process (Dirk). Fairness on the hand is a question of morality which is equally important in decision making. Many business leaders will make decisions that are fair to their clients in order to avoid losing business. If at all business managers in Merck made their decisions basing on emotion and fairness, chances are very high that they would not have been caught red handed in the fraud mess. Conclusion Business organizations should be able to engage its management in serious decision making training that will seek to sell the corporate image of an organization in a rather positive way. In order to avoid such cases like the one that faced Merck, business leaders should be able to instill professional ethics as well as critical thinking in running the business organization. Buy custom Merck essay
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Persuasion essays
Persuasion essays Karen Casey once said that truly loving another means letting go of all expectations. It means full acceptance, even celebration of anothers personhood. In Jane Austens early nineteenth century novel, Persuasion, Austen depicts a simplistic story about love and anticipation. Persuasion is one of Austens most romantic books, but it is also her last novel. Jane Austen was in her last few years because of an illness within her. While writing Persuasion, Austen attempts to show to the world her growth as a writer and as a person. She has matured and accepted her fate. Different emotions can cause positive or negative reactions and consequences. Love engenders maturity. Love is defined in many ways. Love may depict affection or forbearance towards a significant other. Tolerance bears loyalty. Charles Musgroves abiding sentiment to Marys self-pity exhibits devotion. Charles Musgrove devotes himself to his wife, Mary. Although he complains of her occasional lowness...[and] unreasonableness (Austen 44), he stays by her side through marriage. Anne contemplates that Charles should marry a more equal match [that] might...greatly improve him. Charles criticizes Mary for her interference (45) when managing the children, but he continues to love and honor her presence as his wife. He admits to Anne that he wishes Mary would not...always fancy herself ill; however, despite their occasional disagreements, the two pass for a happy couple (44). Austen illustrates Charles light-hearted nature and good spirits. He rarely appears distraught at his wifes self-afflictions because of his low self-confidence to contradict her. Mary consistently complains of a sick f eeling within her body, though it is obvious that she yearns for attention from others around her. His sense of commitment through her self-indulgent pity displays how the two souls...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Parallel Universes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Parallel Universes - Essay Example ing with private life issues continue to pose a great challenge in the legal setting bearing in mind that there is no standard regulations to handle similar cases. The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment regulates interference with privacy by stipulating that no state has the capacity to deprive anyone life, liberty, or property without due execution of the law (Williams, 2010). In a school setting, the substantive due process offers the state some powers to regulate certain activities hence effective handling of teachers’ controversial lifestyles that might interfere with reputation or ability to perform. In cases of dismissal or charges against any teacher adequate explanation of the evidence must be provided though the due process does not prescribe reasons for dismissal apart from the procedures (Alexander & Alexander, 2011). The law provides directions to regulate behavior while at times it may not be very effective in explaining to what extent the standards of behavior should be. At times double standardization is evident though the law plays its part by dictating the necessary procedures. The school officials must be very vigilant when dealing with out-of-school’s conduct since not all jurisdictions have adopted the nexus theory. The nexus theory holds it that teacher’s off-duty conduct might negatively affect his/her teaching effectiveness hence the need to discipline behaviors (Elis, 2010). In regard to the precepts of the theory, more emphasis is attached to the impact of the teacher’s off-duty conduct hence disciplining in equal measure. The community standards also influence to a great extent issues involving teachers’ out-of-school conduct. Depending with the responsiveness and awareness of the community to initiate a course of action towards out of conduct issues, behaviors may be encouraged or discouraged. For instance, as illustrated in the table the response is not equal in weight in the rural setting as compared with the
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